PS. 23:5a “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. (Keller and Haidle)

High flat places of mountain sheep ranges are called “tables.” These are the very best pastures or tablelands. The shepherd “prepares” the table for his flock by scouting out its enemies: wild animals and poisonous plants. Sheep cannot tell the difference between poisonous and non-poisonous plants. One nibble of the white camas flower would kill a lamb, so the shepherd finds and destroys all poisonous plants so his flock can feed safely. He works hard to protect them.

Jesus said, in John 6:32-35 “I am the bread of life. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread that I shall give is MY flesh, which I shall give for the Life of the world.” When you believe in Him, He fills a hunger in your heart that only He can satisfy. And you can be sure He has already prepared a feast for you in heaven. Also if you feast on HIS WORD in obedience you will be filled and blessed beyond measure. And “…you will live forever” vs. 51.

The parallel in the Christian life is clear. Like sheep, and especially lambs, we somehow feel that we have to try everything that comes our way. We feel we have to sample everything just to see what it is like even though we may know that some things are deadly. They can do us no good, and are even most destructive. Still somehow we give them a whirl anyway.

The shepherd also tries to watch out for predators like wolves, coyotes, cougars and bears. What actually happens is that these crafty ones are up on the rimrock watching every movement the sheep make, hoping for a chance to make a swift, sneaking attack that will stampede the sheep and one or another will fall easy prey to the attacker’s fierce teeth and claws.

God’s love to us in Christ is bound up too with the deep desire of His heart to have us live on a higher plane. He longs to see us living above the mundane level of common humanity. He is so pleased when we walk in the ways of holiness, of selflessness and of serene contentment in His care, aware of His presence and enjoying the intimacy of His companionship.

To live thus is to live richly
To walk here is to walk with quiet assurance
To feed here is to be replete with good things.
To find this tableland is to have found something of my shepherd’s love for me.

“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.”