
Month: December 2021

Fall and Worship at His Feet

DECEMBER 13, 2021                     

Fall and worship at His feet so tender soft and baby sweet.

Could feet as these be bruised and torn?

Bow and honor this head so meek with soft and downy hair and cheek

Could this soft brow be pierced by thorn?

Give notice to his clutching fists His baby coos-

His mother’s kiss. Could we harm one such as this?

I shudder when I think that I this little one did cause to die.

My selfishness His palm did pierce. My hatred – oh so cold, so fierce.

Rejoice in the Lord as you reflect on His great Sacrifice,

How can I not for mercy cry? Lord Father – please forgive me –  Why?

Was there no other way for man to realize salvation’s plan?

So bitter-sweet such sacrifice. No other way could pay sin’s price.

His perfectness – my utter loss, did nail Him on a rugged cross.

Not ever was a gift so grand than that was given by God’s hand,

His only Son brought from above. The truest proof of divine love.

At Christmas time and evermore, my Lord and Saviour I’ll adore.

My only choice could ever be to live for Him who died for me!

– Melony Jane Evans

Melony Jane (Pierpont) Evans is Ken and Jane’s eldest child and only daughter.  She and hubby Jim have 40 years, ministry experience. They pastor a Baptist church in central Ohio and have eleven Children.

Sheep Are Not Meant To Carry Loads

November 25, 2018,   Jane’s Heart to Heart  …FROM THE WINDOW SEAT

Sheep Are Not Meant to Carry Loads

  from “15 Minutes with the Master” (RBP)


Peace does not come from denying you have troubles, but giving your troubles to the Lord.

This was an encouragement to me as I read this devotion this week.

The Lord calls  those who have surrendered to Him, His sheep.

John 10:27-28   27. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:  28.  And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

Sheep were never meant to carry heavy burdens.

I Peter 5:7 “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.”

Our frail minds and body will break down under heavy loads and burdens. the word “cast” means to throw.  Where are we told to throw our burdens, cares and concerns?

Yes, on Him.   

Do you find that you worry about things? What weighs on your mind the most?

Christ wants to bear your burden. He wants us to throw those concerns on HIM. 

Yes, the Lord wants us to pray fervently for the lost, needy, hungry, the prodigals in our lives, but as soon as you pray you must go on and trust Him to take care of it. 

When we continue to carry the worries and daily struggles by ourselves we show that we are not really trusting God fully with our lives.  What hurts us hurts HIM because He loves us and wants us to give our cares and burdens to Him each day. 

Jesus stands right beside us as His  children and waits for us to throw our  load onto  His shoulders.

© 2025 Jane Pierpont and JaneWrites.us