
Category: Jochebed in the Valley

Articles written under a pen name

Law vs Grace

…From our dear foster grand daughter who is incarcerated.

Law vs Grace

Why does it matter?

Does it really matter if we are under law or grace?

To accurately answer the question, we must first understand what it means to be user law ro under grace. And to be clear, it is one or the other; it cannot be both. So let’s examine each a bit closer.

Law, the mosaic Covenant, was given to Israel in three divisions: the commandments, expressing the righteous will of God; the Judgments, governing the social life of Israel; and the ordinances, governing the religious life of Israel. The commandments and the ordinances wherefore on religions system. The commandants were a ministry of condemnation and death. Yes, you heard me right, condemnation and death!

The ordinances, in the high priest, gave a representative, of the people with Jehovah; and in sacrifice, a cover for their sin.

Grace is the kindness and love of God, our Saviour toward man. Let’s repeat that. Kindness and love of God toward man sounds a lot better than condemnation and death!

But Grace isn’t by any works or righteousness that we have done. Grace begins with the death and resurrection of Christ. The point of testing (dispensation) is no longer legal obedience as the condition of salvation, but acceptance or rejection of Christ, with good works as a fruit of salvation. Grace is not only a method of divine dealing in salvation, gut also a method of God in the believer’s life and service.

Grace is therefore constantly in contrast to law, under which God demands righteousness from man. Whereas under grace, He gives righteousness to man. Law is connected with Moses and works; grace with Christ and faith. Law blesses the good (no one): grace saves the bad (everyone). Law demands that blessings be earned; grace is a free gift.

No one can be made righteous by keeping the law, because no one is able to. Everyone has sinned. Trying to achieve righteousness under law will only earn you condemnation and death. But if you accept the free gift of Christ’s grace, something which can not be earned, and that was a sinless perfect sacrifice, He offered Himself to take the punishment for our sins, His righteousness will be inputed unto you, and through salvation in Him, you will have eternal life. and as saved you are not under law, but under grace.

So now that we’ve examined the facts, do you think it matters whether you fall under the law or under grace? Fall at the feet of Christ and receive HIs free gift of grace today, right now, before it is too late.

Fall and Worship at His Feet

DECEMBER 13, 2021                     

Fall and worship at His feet so tender soft and baby sweet.

Could feet as these be bruised and torn?

Bow and honor this head so meek with soft and downy hair and cheek

Could this soft brow be pierced by thorn?

Give notice to his clutching fists His baby coos-

His mother’s kiss. Could we harm one such as this?

I shudder when I think that I this little one did cause to die.

My selfishness His palm did pierce. My hatred – oh so cold, so fierce.

Rejoice in the Lord as you reflect on His great Sacrifice,

How can I not for mercy cry? Lord Father – please forgive me –  Why?

Was there no other way for man to realize salvation’s plan?

So bitter-sweet such sacrifice. No other way could pay sin’s price.

His perfectness – my utter loss, did nail Him on a rugged cross.

Not ever was a gift so grand than that was given by God’s hand,

His only Son brought from above. The truest proof of divine love.

At Christmas time and evermore, my Lord and Saviour I’ll adore.

My only choice could ever be to live for Him who died for me!

– Melony Jane Evans

Melony Jane (Pierpont) Evans is Ken and Jane’s eldest child and only daughter.  She and hubby Jim have 40 years, ministry experience. They pastor a Baptist church in central Ohio and have eleven Children.

Grieve Not The Holy Spirit

Jane’s Heart to Heart – from the Window seat…                       


Written by (pen name)

Jochebed in the Valley


The Spirit of God is grieved when God’s children refuse to change their old ways of sin for righteous ways of their new life in Christ. The Spirit leads and guides us to make these changes.  When we do not listen to the leading, the Spirit is grieved, and we also feel the grief.

But that is not the only way the Spirit can be grieved. The Spirit also leads us to act for God. For a few years now the spirit has put it upon my heart to start a prayer circle for and with the people in my community.  Many ideas had come to mind on how to go about it, but I simply wasn’t willing to be bold enough. 

Time went on, and all the while I felt as if i was disobeying God! He had given me a task and I had not completed it. A few weeks ago I decided enough was enough.  I was going out to pray and along the way would try to gather more to join.  It has been a few weeks and every week it seems the people double.  All glory being given to God.  He hears and is moving on our behalf.  The command He gave me was not to be overthought or planned out.  I was only to simply obey, and He would do the rest.  We meet up every week now to pray for each other, our community, and for those in authority.  I no longer feel like I’m pulling against the Spirit, and I am confident, now that I’ve responded to the task given, he will soon bless me with another.   


…   from Jochebedin the Valley

DEALING WITH STRIFEIt is not always easy reconciling our differences, but  thanks to God we have a prescribed way for trying; One which I am most thankful for.

Recently two of my sisters in Christ were having quite a lot of disagreements. Each having reached their boiling point, finally decided to confront one another. “If thy brother shall trespass  against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone:” Mt.18:15a.

However, being that they had waited a long time to address the matters it only seemed to make matters worse.  They each then took their issues to another sister; one of which was I , and the other a very close sister of mine.   

We both listened to the two and offered advice as best we could; neither of us violating the confidence of the two with each other.  But there came a point where we became quite concerned for the two, and decided we needed to intervene.

”But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouths of two or three witnesses every word may be established.” Mt 18:16.

We decided to have a mediation, and to our surprise both women agreed.  Before meeting up with the two,  my sister and I met up to pray, asking for the Lord to work through us.  When we met up with the two we prayed again, all together. The mediation went much better than expected, a lot was brought into light and healthy boundaries were established. In closing we as a group prayed together again, thanking God for helping us come to each other in love.

Later the sister and I who helped facilitate the mediation met up again, just the two of us to pray again.  We asked for the Lord to continue to work peace in their lives, and thanked Him for His help and what He just accomplished through us. 

Since the mediation the two are sticking to and respecting their boundaries. Day by day there is more and more peace in their relationship.  Not that it is perfect, but it is far from what it was.  When we come together in prayer seeking the will of God., His will, will be done.  “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them  Mat. 18:20.

We are called to, “be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ sake hath forgiven you.” Eph. 4:32.

So in all areas of life seek peace and you will surely find it.



So many people today who are seeking help go a diverse listing in the self-help section of the book stores and libraries, fortune cookies, random links on the internet… and psychology, yet still fall short of the real answer to their needs.

What is the difference between worldly wisdom and Biblical wisdom?

If you are struggling about “What is truth”, ask the Lord to show you truth.

John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” This scripture reminds us that the Word is God.

Go to the Word of God, the Bible, The Holy Scriptures and then ask God to show you the truth. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and show you truth in His Word.

Call out to Him and He will guide you. Don’t give up. He will come to you if you truly want to know truth.

Oh, what peace and JOY are found in Him, the Word…

Jane’s Heart To Heart… From The Window-seat

from Jochebed …In The Valley


Many times in life will a situation arise that will not make us happy, but that doesn’t mean we can’t keep our joy. Our Joy comes from the Lord; from the work He completed on the cross, and the promises He has made us. True we live in a broken world. Tragedy happens all around us and it seems to only be getting worse. The world is trying to erase Christ from our morals, values, principles and everyday lives. Christians everywhere are being persecuted. How can we possibly remain joyful? We must remember that among the many wonderful promises the Lord has made us, He has also promised us hard and trying times. We joy in the fact that our hope is not in this world, but in the Lord.

“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” John. 16:33.

We joy because, “…greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.” 2 John 4:4

We must stand strong in the Lord. “ …For the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Neh. 8:10

Although the influences of this world will do its best to persuade you to forsake the teachings of God, you must hold fast to your faith. “But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself so that I might finish my course with joy. and the ministry which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.” Acts 20:24

There is never a better time to witness than when tragedy strikes people are scared and from and need the hope the Gospel gives. By witnessing we bring glory to God; showing others the peace God has given us even in troubled times. And as peace, God has given us even in troubled times.
And as Christians, bringing glory to God gives us Joy. Even in persecution, we can keep our Joy, knowing that “inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings: when His glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding Joy.” Remember that we are in the world for a short time. All trials and tribulations will soon be passed away, and eternity will be sept in heaven with our Lord, our Saviour, and our God.

For in your salvation, you can always be Joyful. “And my soul shall be joyful in the Lord: it shall rejoice in His salvation.” Ps. 35:9

You will never lose your joy, if you keep your joy in the Lord.
—- Jochebed in the Valley

© 2025 Jane Pierpont and JaneWrites.us