ME – Acts 16:31 “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and though shalt be saved, and thy house.”
This is our shelf just outside our apartment door. I try to change it approximately once a month. This month of August is a very significant month for me since I was born on August 26, 1938. But even more important is the day that my sister Sue Opfer and I attended a Vacation Bible School hosted by the Bertrand Bible Church of Niles MI in a huge tent on the Indiana side of the MI -IN state line. We could see the tent from across the street on the west side. After attending a few days and hearing the truths of God’s Word we both responded to the invitation to receive Christ as our Saviour, 75 years ago. This makes August an important month in my life. This plaque which has our life verse on it, was given to me by Ken the day he gave me a diamond ring in 1955. Also the little lamp and Bible was sent to me from my brother Larry Shipley while in the Army, he was stationed in Germany, it would have been 1956 approximately…. The cross is one of many given to us by people in our former ministries.