Jane Pierpont



The Wonder of IT ALL

Our family used to sing this together.

We always had such fun.

Other’s were…

Where Could I Go

‘Til the Storm Passes By

How Great Thou Art

Teach me Thy Way

One Word: Day

The Lord’s DAY

Psalm 118:24 ESV

This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Thank you so much. You preach it and I will joyfully turn the pages. Ken Wyatt.

Ken F. Pierpont and I love to get ready for church and we used to laugh how we often were wearing matching colors when we came out to breakfast on Sunday AM in our sixty years of ministry.

Now in 2024 we have only been to church 6 times (mostly summer days. We still get up and ready to watch LIVESTREAM AT NBCKZ.com where we are members since we retired.

Thank You, Lord!

We still get dressed for church but this morning is the first time he said to me apologetically “I am not going to wear my tie or suit today. It is just to hard for me.”

Things are getting very hard for us and we are sad to have to give less to our Lord’s work and missions. God has been so good to us.

For those who know him,it was not unusual for him to do the custodial work or mowing the lawn wearing a tie.

Our children have made it clear to us that they want to help us and they do, but since they are all in ministry we truly believe it is a way that we can continue to minister by keeping their load lite.

We are so blessed that each Sunday we watch at least three of our children’s livestreams. During the week – if able we catch a few others.

Go to church… Serve the Lord- teach you children to serve the Lord – Cleaning the church – take them calling – teach them an instrument and learn to sing his praise.

Make going to church a joyful – significant indispensable part of your Christian lives.

One Word: Christmas

A newly found friend Victoria Johnson Fleenor from our church,

Posted about Christmas-tree traditions. It seems that most of us get into decorating for Thanksgiving and Christmas about the same time. Probably because we often get to celebrate Christmas with some of our family at thanksgiving, some at Christmas and others at New Years.

This triggered my thoughts for my “One Word ” today.

I think I do that a bit also… We live in a small 3 room apartment which our Sweet DI-LOVE Jennifer Pierpont found for us just about fifteen minutes from them (that is to say if you want to call our tiny one person kitchen a room).

We are in our fifth year of living in our little castle on Sage Street.

We had to set aside three of our small trees (all artificial) due to allergies, so I chose to keep our ceramic tree which my Mother made in her ceramics class years before. The year she gave it to us she made three more and gave each one to my three siblings. Of course it has many special memories so it was not a difficult decision to make it our main tree for Christmas and sits in the Window Seat.

My favorite decor is also Nativity scenes. One is the Willow Tree Set Nathan & Jennifer gave us several years ago. We had a Precious Moments set but was one of the things given away with other Decor ?!? I made one nativity set with a popsicle stick manger and crocheted characters also on the window seat. Our Son in law, Jim F. Evans made us a nativity of wood cutouts which we cherish and it takes the other spot out in the hall on our ledge and was honored with an award here at the Village in 2022.

Then back to the subject of Christmas. We have some dear neighbors here – one – Gene Stroes of which is always sharing things with us such as fruits, candies, other foods which is more than he is able to fit into his diabetics menu.

The phone will ring frequently and he will tell us he put something on our ledge which turned out one time to be a small musical/lighted Christmas tree about 6/7 “ tall. We – including the grandchildren love it.

“Christmas-tree”says LOVE in so many ways.

When you have time you might like to read this message by

J Vernon McGee

One Word: Temple

This is what is on my mind … let us examine our hearts. Today ! Are you reading the Scriptures? Are you trusting Christ? Are you telling others?

One Word: Unspoken

This is a quote from Jon Swanson’s – 300 Words.com

Subscribe to his post.

“I also understand that Jesus is remarkably clear about loving your enemies and praying for those who despitefully use you. Peter, notable for his intensity, talks about responding to people with gentleness and respect. Paul invites us to get dressed in compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.”

I have realized this need even more with all the opinions being voiced. Each person expressing his own opinion to a point that the other persons thoughts do not mater.

Lord Jesus, help us to say less and pray more, in love and care.

This is hard but truly my great desire.

Help me , Father, in my Unspoken Prayer.

One Word: Compassion

Luke 10:30-33 NIV

30 In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead.

31 A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side.

32 So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side.

33 But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him.

Sometimes we have the choice of taking the path of least resistance or going out of our way to do what might be uncomfortable.

When compassion is shown the receiver benefits and the giver is blessed and those who witness it learn a great lesson.

Lord help us.

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